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WESTERN CAROLINA RADIO CLUB - APPLICATION FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP (Returning members please contact an officer for assistance) Revised October 2017 Anyone applying for membership in the Western Carolina Radio Club (WCRC) agrees to obtain and maintain a Full Adult or Youth membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) -  Each applicant also agrees to abide by all applicable FCC, AMA, and WCRC rules. WCRC Rules and officer list (under Club Info) are on the WCRC website -        TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP DESIRED (check one):   ____  YOUTH  Age 18 or under.    ____  ADULT  Age 19 to 64.   ___        SENIOR  Age 65 or older.   ____  DISABLED  Anyone defined as disabled by any U.S. Government agency.   ____  FAMILY           Multiple members residing in the same household (at the same address).   NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________     ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________   CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________________________________________________   PHONE: _______________________   E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________   DATE OF BIRTH: __________________ AMA #:_________________ FLYING STATUS (circle one):  Novice     Pilot       (For a FAMILY membership, please list other Name(s), Date(s) of Birth, AMA number(s) and Flying Status(es) – use back if necessary.)   NAME:  ___________________________________________________DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________    AMA #: __________________________ FLYING STATUS (circle one):  Novice      Pilot         DUES SCHEDULE - INCLUDES $25 NEW MEMBER INITIATION FEE (Once per Family)   If you are applying between January 1 st  and June 30 th , your membership year is the CURRENT calendar year. Use the dues listed under the Full Year column. For a FAMILY membership, take the cost of the oldest applicant and add half the cost for each additional member residing in the same household.   If you are applying between July 1 st  and October 31 st , your membership year is the CURRENT calendar year and the Half Year dues apply. For a FAMILY membership, take the cost of the oldest applicant and add half the cost for each additional member residing in the same household.   If you are applying after October 31 st , the Full Year dues apply but your membership year is the NEXT calendar year and your membership will extend through December 31 of next year. Please calculate ages based on next year.             Full Y e a r             Hal f Y e a r     YOUTH                          FREE                 FREE    ADULT    $100 + $25 = $125        $50 + $25 = $75    SENIOR  $ 80 + $25 = $105        $40 + $25 = $65 DISABLED   $ 60 + $25 = $ 85        $30 + $25 = $55 FAMILY    Oldest member full year or half year price. Additional members ½ price.                                        Make checks payable to WCRC and Mail to:   WCRC  PMB #106 2607 Woodruff Rd STE E Simpsonville, SC 29681     SIGNED: _________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________________